MetroSketchers Founded by Lowertown Lofts Co-op Members Liz Carlson and Tim Jennen

Have you heard of MetroSketchers? As of today there are 465 members in the Minneapolis/St.Paul Metro area. What do MetroSketchers do? Keep scrolling to find out more!

Liz Carlson and Tim Jennen - Founders of MetroSketchers

Liz Carlson and Tim Jennen - Founders of MetroSketchers

Here is the group from the September Sketch at Raspberry Park in Saint Paul

Here is the group from the September Sketch at Raspberry Park in Saint Paul



MetroSketchers is an open, inclusive group that was founded by Liz Carlson and administered by Liz and Tim Jennen. It has the simple mission to get out in the world and draw. We meet once a month, usually the first Sunday of the month from 12-3pm at locations that are of interest to the sketcher. If you are a person who has always wanted to draw, but has never picked up a pencil, this is a group for you. If you are a person who used to draw and wants to get back into it, this is a group for you. If you are a professional artist looking for new opportunities to draw, it's the group for you as well.


There are no fees to belong. We try to keep the group as free as possible. Most of our locations are chosen with the idea that costs are kept to around $10 or less, depending upon the location and parking. We do encourage members to make donations to organizations and galleries we visit, who have been very generous in allowing us to draw at their location.


The level of participation is entirely up to the individual. No one is required to share their work with other sketchers or even to announce that they are at the event. The important thing is to get out and draw. Those interested in sharing their work can meet up with others at the end of each sketch gathering at a designated location.

We'd love for you to join us! Get all the details and see many of the sketches here on our MetroSketchers Facebook page!
